↑ Fallout 4 - MICROTRANSACTION.ZONE - last accessed on.
DisableFakeLights= - Disables rim lights for all characters.
FPSLimit= - The frame rate you wish to cap the game at.
This will solve the physics issues relating to high frame rates, may also solve screen tearing.
EnableFPSLimit= - Caps the frame rate to assigned value.
VSyncSkipNumFrames= - Mainly for users with high refresh rate monitors (>60Hz) and should be set to '0' for other users.
ForceVSync= - Different than the game's default Vsync, and helps prevent stuttering and screen tearing.
VideoMemorySizeMb= - Forces video memory available in Mebibytes.
ForceVideoMemorySize= - Allocates more video memory from RAM and the pagefile.
UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics= - Recommended to enable for maximum performance.
If this worsens the performance, set to false.
ApplyStabilityPatch= - Stability fixes, the effectiveness varies from user to user.
Open enblocal.ini with text editor, modify the following values:.
Unzip all files from the Patch folder in the archive into the installation folder.
Download the latest version of ENBoost for Fallout 4.
bLoadCapping= - Setting it to 1 enables frame capping during loading screens which disables the loading speed acceleration.
fShadowDirDistanceMax= - Maximum possible shadow distance.
fShadowDirDistanceMin= - Minimum possible shadow distance.
fTargetFPS= - Target FPS is the highest FPS that the game will be allowed to run at, and is also the baseline for 100% load.
Open dynaperf.ini with a text editor and modify the following key settings:.
Configuration Files For Dynamic Performance Tuner And Load Accelerator mod)
If no corresponding fallout4-addresses-x.x.x.x.ini file is available for your game version either read the mod description page to create a new memory configuration file for your game version or download one that has been already created for your game version by the community.
Download the archived file and extract dxgi.dll, dynaperf.ini and the corresponding fallout4-addresses-x.x.x.x.ini file depending on your game version to game directory.
11.14 Bugged progression in Emogene Takes a Lover.
11.13 Duel Bot enemy stuck in Restoring Order.
11.11 Mouse cursor not visible in menus.
11.8 Major screen tearing when Windows Aero is disabled while in a borderless mode.
11.6 Console not opening when pressing the tilde key.
11.3 God rays performance fix and no pixelation.
11.2 Crash to desktop on Nvidia Turing GPUs (RTX, GTX 16 series).
10.2 Entering Cambridge Police Station makes the player fall through the ground.
10.1 Crash to desktop during Hunter/Hunted.
6.2 RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix.
5.5 Subpixel Morphological Anti-aliasing (SMAA).
3.4.1 Dynamic Performance Tuner and Load Accelerator.